How It Works (Legal Accounts Administration Assistance)

Legal Accounts Administration Assistance

We tailor each and every solution individually. Every business has very different needs and wants, so it can be difficult to estimate our costs exactly.

Setup charges are from £500. Ongoing usage charges are from £40 per hour. We record our time spent in connection with your accounts, and bill monthly in arrears.

For the first 2 months of our service to you, we will send you a detailed account weekly along with a list of suggestions for your consideration, to keep your charges as low as possible. This method of communication at the start of our relationship means we can grow your systems quickly, to strike a balance between reducing time and cost.

Our experience is that a small business (1 to 3 partners) would pay around one-third of a cashier’s salary. This means a massive saving in overheads – and remember, no employer costs for sick pay, holiday pay or employer NIC.

We work from our own base, which means even further savings for you – no need to supply an employee with office or computer equipment, or space!

By the Books, Scottish Law Accountants - Financial Management

The basic mechanics of our service to you are:-
  1. We obtain your information on what has been paid in and out
  2. We process that information in accounting terms
  3. We return essential reports to you
(in a format you can read – to make sense of it all)


Whilst we cannot completely remove your responsibility for compliance in various areas, we can make your life easier and keep you on the right track.  We keep up to date with changes and requirements from HMRC and The Law Society of Scotland.

In challenging times it is essential to put technology to good use – make it work harder, so that you do not have to.

Even although we are not on-site, we are only a phone call away. One application that we make use of, is remote desktop sharing. To train you, remind you or update you in procedures we will ‘log on’ with you to show you what you need to do – as if we were sitting beside you.